DPA analysis

azam sayeed
1 min readNov 12, 2020


DPA — Day 1.ipynb

DPA-Class 2–13–09–2020.ipynb


Box office for teaching —

histogram, distplot (kde ,nplog1p) , scatterplot,subplot, new column =0 based on null, catplot,value_counts(),box plot, heatmap with mask,wordcloud

Cancer diagnosis notebook -columns, countplot, violin plot, box plot, unique(),joinplot,swarnplot,heatmap

Bakery data — bar chart,groupby, subplot labels

Covid Data- shape,head,unique countries, groupby, first derivative, plot for few days, min increase, max increase, max_infection_rate,rename columns, set_index,join dataset, scatter plot , regplot

gapminder.ipynb — plotly bar, hover_data, scatter,query, bubble chart,animation,log_x,line and area chart


